January 31, 2009

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions


Hang Up On Motorola

Organize in Your Community

Israel's recent war on the occupied Gaza Strip brought death and destruction to Palestinians, and a windfall for war profiteers. Around the world, people are standing up and saying "No more" by boycotting and divesting from corporations that profit from Israel's human rights abuses.

The people of Stockholm have severed their contract with the transit/waste removal corporation Veolia due to <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=lZ4%2BUV52BwUItiw5bqmkZGfeLcW6J2uC>Veolia's involvement with Israel's settlements, and British Telecom company <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=%2B6AlQWYh%2FoxyYg%2F6gTJLXmfeLcW6J2uC>FreedomCall has ceased their cooperation with Israeli counterpart MobileMax due to the war on Gaza.

Join this growing global movement for boycotting, divesting from and sanctioning (BDS) those who support Israel's military occupation of Palestinian territories by <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=Cg9Op5rvmqJUskweoelqL9wn%2BSw9xm6j>becoming an organizer for our Hang Up On Motorola campaign. Motorola makes a lot more than cell phones - they also make at least four <#products>products that directly support Israel's occupation of and assaults on Palestinians. This is why we've created a <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=f0K7PdBYqCsxA5lA%2ByOXiGfeLcW6J2uC>tool-kit for boycotting Motorola until its products are no longer used by Israel to abuse Palestinian human rights.

Sign up to be a Hang Up On Motorola organizer by <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=R6PSg7Y%2FxU8UqkiTMY3OWWfeLcW6J2uC>clicking here and we'll send you all of the materials listed below AND postcards for people to fill out and send to Motorola's CEO, Greg Brown demanding that Moto respect Palestinian human rights and stop selling the products below to the Israeli military. <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=1hCng8RFumv3liy4aNKgXGfeLcW6J2uC>Click here to download our Motorola boycott resources, including a fact sheet on <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=PTbURgneKUT2SOoCMid5R2feLcW6J2uC>why we're targeting Moto, a pledge to join the boycott, a fact sheet on how to engage mobile phone retailers in our Hang Up On Motorola campaign, a sample letter to send to retailers, a sample letter for retailers to use when contacting Moto, and much more.

Problem Products

· Fuses for several kinds of bombs used by the Israeli military, including the MK-80 series and GBU bombs, which Israel recently used in Gaza.

· The "Mountain Rose" communication system used by the Israeli military

· The "Wide Area Surveillance System" used along portions of the apartheid wall in the West Bank

· Thermal cameras and radar detection devices used in surveillance systems at 47 illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank

Sign our online pledge to boycott Motorola now, by clicking here. The Hang Up On Motorola boycott is the culmination of almost one year of dialogue with Motorola over their troublesome relationship with the Israeli military. Click here to learn more about how we've already engaged Moto.

Hang Up On Motorola is only one active BDS campaign in the United States. As we engage Motorola, we continue our divestment work targeting Caterpillar. An academic boycott of Israel has spread from Europe to Canada and now to the United States. There is also a growing movement to boycott the Batsheva dance company as they tour North America. Cultural and academic boycotts are an important part of the Palestinian civil society call for BDS campaigns, just as they played a vital role in isolating the South African apartheid regime.

US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation

January 26, 2009

British Students in Solidarity with Gaza

Date: Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:42 pm ((PST))

Warwick University students have claimed a space on campus as an act in solidarity with the innocent victims from the Gaza conflict, and with the other groups in the UK which have taken similar action.

Their Demands

1. Warwick University should suspend all relations with companies which supply the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This includes BAE Systems, MBDA, QinetiQ and Rolls Royce.

2. That the University expresses its sorrow for the infringement of the right to education in the Gaza conflict, by releasing a statement to this effect, and by donating old computer equipment and textbooks to those universities in Gaza that were partially destroyed during the current Israeli military operation.

3. That the University fund and provide logistical support for a series of talks on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

4. That there be no legal, financial, or academic measures taken against anyone involved in or supporting the sit-in. This extends to the Student's Union. Students involved should be guaranteed free movement in and out of the space.

Other universities in the country, including Birmingham, Essex, SOAS, LSE, Sussex, Oxford, Leeds, Manchester Met, Kings and Bristol have already seen occupations. Others are planned and will start at any moment.



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