Ben & Jerry's Boycott

Boycott Ben & Jerry’s
Peace, love & occupation don’t mix.
That’s why we’ve called for a boycott of Ben & Jerry’s.
In violation of their social mission, their Israeli franchise sells ice cream in illegal, Jewish-only settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, transported on Jewish-only roads, on trucks with Jewish-only license plates, passing easily through military checkpoints that bedevil others.

            So much for their social mission.
Since 2013, thousands of individuals and nearly 250 organizations in 20 countries have called on Ben & Jerry’s to stop sales to Israeli illegal settlements and to publicly oppose Israel’s occupation and settlements.

           They have refused to do so
Ben & Jerry’s can’t call itself progressive and remain silent on Palestine. 

Our appeals to Ben & Jerry’s socially responsible image had no effect.
Therefore, a boycott. Click here for a full explanation.
Here is how you or your organization can support this effort:

  • Publicly endorse the boycott and let us know that you did so. Send a pro-boycott e-mail to Jostein Solhem, Ben & Jerry’s CEO. 
  • Tell local scoop shop owners, you are boycotting. Urge them to pressure Ben & Jerry’s about its complicity with Israel’s occupation.
  • Ask local supermarkets and food co-ops to remove Ben & Jerry’s ice cream from their shelves.
  • Have your organization endorse our organizational letter, and not have free Ben & Jerry’s ice cream at its events. 
  • Stay informed of campaign developments. Tell your friends through social media, and “like” us on Facebook. Link to the VTJP campaign on your website.


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