December 17, 2012
December 3, 2012
Cold day in New Paltz
People seem to read the flyer we hand out as opposed to some of the glossy cards. More to learn from it?
Some people stopped and talked about BDS, but most hurried on to find someplace warm. New Paltz continues to be a good place, however. Return in the spring?
September 30, 2012
BDS Event in New Paltz
September 2, 2012
Israel accused of pillaging Dead Sea resources in occupied territory
August 5, 2012
BDS action in New Paltz
We had a great street action on Saturday in New Paltz (despite the heat). There were six of us from mecr (Nic, Helaine, Fred, Jo, Donna, Eli) and a few others from Occupy New Paltz and Occupy Poughkeepsie joined with us. We stood in front of Starbucks, in the shade (thanks Nic) and gave out many flyers and "shrinking Palestine map" postcards, in addition to having numerous conversations with passersby. The reception in New Paltz was generally good with only a few contentious interactions. It was good to be out in the streets again. Let's get some pics next time. Eli
Yes, it was hot!
But we were really connecting to people, talking about the settlements and the future of Israel and Palestine. Turns out we don't really have to be in front of a CVS store to talk about settlement products. We have great handouts, so lets order another 1,000 of those Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions map postcards. And we need a modified handout with one side that talks about several settlement products that people can boycott.
I was so busy, I never got to take a picture. Anyone take one?
Interesting that we were jointed by a group of socialists at the end, a number of young people who completely support our stand on Palestinian human rights. I will ask Tim if they want to join us at another demonstration.
July 18, 2012
SodaStream: part of the occupation
This report provides an extensive analysis of SodaStream (Soda Club), a manufacturer of home carbonating devices whose main factory is in the industrial park of Mishor Edomim in the West Bank, territory occupied by Israel. Using SodaStream as a case study for corporate activity in the illegal settlements, the report explores the concept of industrial production in settlements. The report discusses key issues of production in settlements, including the identity of the manufacturers, workers’ conditions, land confiscation and trade in settlement products. This report provides a broad picture about SodaStream, its commercial activities in the territories, and its international business ties, which are mainly in Europe and the United States.
SodaStream has shown substantial growth and expansion in recent years, reaching new international markets. Most significantly, as of November 8, 2010, the company has gone public and its shares are traded on NASDAQ. Examining the performance of this company is important in order to understand how its success is based, at least in part, on the structural advantages that production in Israeli settlements enjoys. Settlement production benefits from low rent, special tax incentives, lax enforcement of environmental and labor protection laws, as well as additional governmental support...
Download full report at:
July 2, 2012
June 3, 2012
CVS Demo June 3
We have to pick a time when there are more pedestrians, like Saturday from 2 - 3 pm. Also, we need to identify other stores that carry settlement products.
Nevertheless, it was a good event, with lots of support from passing cars. One woman who got a flyer when into the store to talk to the manager. More people stopped and talked this time after they had gotten a flyer. Several people thanked us for doing the event.
April 20, 2012
March 13, 2012
BDS Resources
BDS Movement(Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions Movement)
This is the website of the Palestinian Boycott National Committee. It serves as a central hubfor the global Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions Movement in support ofPalestinian rights.
Adalah-NY: The NewYork Campaign for the Boycott of Israel
Adalah-NY is a grassroots,volunteer organization that follows the Palestinian BDS call and ran a highlysuccessful boycott campaign against diamond mogul and settlement builder LevLeviev. Adalah-NY’s current campaign work is focused on the TIAA-CREFdivestment push and academic and cultural boycott.
Boycott SodaStream: Occupation isnot Green
Tools and resourcesfor a new national boycott campaign against SodaStream that has itsmanufacturing plant in an illegal settlement.
Working within thePresbyterian Church to push for divestment from companies profiting fromIsrael’s Occupation. The IPMN has endorsed boycott of Ahava and Israeli dates.
PACBI (PalestinianCampaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel)
The PalestinianCampaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel was launched inRamallah in April 2004 by a group of Palestinian academics and intellectuals tojoin the growing international boycott movement.
Park Slope FoodCoop Members for the Boycott of Israel
Members of ParkSlope Food Coop (PSFC) are working to pressure the Food Coop to join the BDSMovement and to deshelve Israeli goods.
Stolen Beauty AhavaBoycott Campaign
This is aninternational boycott campaign against Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories, an Israelicosmetics company with its factory, visitors’ center and research center basedin an illegal settlement in the Occupied West Bank.
The UnitedMethodist Church
The Methodists areworking on a campaign for divestment from companies that profit from Israeli’soccupation.
USACBI (U.S.Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel)
Responding to thecall of Palestinian civil society to join the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctionmovement against Israel, we are a U.S. campaign focused specifically on aboycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions
U.S. Campaign toEnd the Israeli Occupation
A nationalcoalition of more than 380 groups, the US Campaign to End the IsraeliOccupation works to end U.S. support for Israel's occupation of the PalestinianWest Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. The coalition supports the BDS Movement anda U.S. policy that upholds freedom, justice and equality. They have many BDSresources on the site (Ahava, Caterpillar, church divestment, etc.)
We Divest(TIAA-CREF Campaign)
TIAA-CREF is one ofthe largest financial services in the United States, considered to be oneof the largest retirement systems in the world. This campaign aims topressure TIAA-CREF to stop investing in companies that profit from the Israelioccupation.
February 29, 2012
Debate on Poughkeepsie BDS action
February 13, 2012
Correction from
Too bad we didn't use this excellent resource when deciding the scope of our CVS actions. We have made some minor changes to this website to reflect the following information...
As you might know, we have a 5-year research project in Israel called "who Profits" ( - where we publish a database of companies involved in the occupation. We have a complete mapping of all settlement products and we have put a lot of effort into investigating dead sea products such as Ahava. It is crucial for our work to be very precise with our facts, and not to fall into exaggerations and all sorts of false information on the web, which can discredit our campaigns.
Check out our new whoprofits website:
On your website I see this quote: "CVS should stop selling Ahava, as well as other products made in Israel's illegal settlements. These include L'Oreal's Natural Sea Beauty, Dead Sea Salt Foot Soak, and Swisa Beauty Esensuals." This is not precise. Of these, only Ahava is a settlement product, it is produced in a settlement and partially owned by two settlements. Also, the mud they sell (as mud, not extracts) is excavated in the occupied area, in contradiction with international law (forbidding pillage of natural resources). The dead sea minerals used by Ahava as well as by other companies are excavated in the south of the dead sea by Dead Sea Works, which is officially in 1948 Israel.
I would also encourage you to look for sales of SodaStream in your area, as it seems that they are gaining momentum in the US.
This is also a settlement product, and now, for the first time, there is a cheap alternative we can offer to this product. See where they sell near you:
Good luck in all and let me know if you need anything...
February 4, 2012
Dutchess Peace held their first BDS rally in front of a CVS store. Most cars took flyers and we went through about 180 handouts. We also talked to the store manager who said that she had already discussed our objection to Dead Sea products with her district manager. We had 7 demonstrators there, more than enough to pass out flyers to stopped cars.
One member stood just outside the CVS door handing flyers to those leaving the store. At the end, a woman come up and disputed the fact that Palestinian's were treated like second class citizens. She was adamant but ill informed. We have heard the distortions so often now that we could say them ourselves, even the statement that Jimmy Carter is an "anti-Semite."
In all, a successful event because we had been seen by hundreds of cars and interacted with many people coming out of the store.
January 23, 2012
Code Pink on Ahava
Join us in taking two online actions to spread the truth about Ahava’s ugly occupation racketeering.
CONTACT ELLE Magazine in New York City
The January 2012 issue of ELLE ran a feature entitled “Sea Salt Benefits” on the wonders of Dead Sea Cosmetics. Ahava was featured prominently, and the writer described the factory and visitors center as being in Israel. She was either confused, mislead or possibly both. You can read the letter that we wrote in response.
TAKE ACTION: PLEASE WRITE A COMMENT. Let ELLE know that Ahava’s factory, visitors center and research facility are located in the Occupied West Bank in the illegal settlement of Mitzpe Shalem.
Go to the comment form on ELLE Magazine’s site --- scroll down until you see "Please select a category," and select "I have a comment about an article in ELLE Magazine."
The Independent reported on a letter sent by prominent UK academics and intellectuals to the Museum of Natural History regarding its research collaboration with Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories.
“In their letter, the 21 signatories, who include the eminent biologist Sir Patrick Bateson, president of the Zoological Society of London, and leading intellectual Sir Jonathan Miller, claim that the Natural History Museum’s connection with Ahava-DSL means that it is ‘co-ordinating an activity that breaks international law’.”
You can read the letter and see the impressive list of signatories who are standing up for human rights and international law.
The Natural History Museum defended its collaboration with Ahava as a matter of “academic freedom.” But Ahava is a for-profit business—and is in fact an occupation racketeer in the illegal settlement trade—so this seems to have more to do with whitewashing Ahava’s reputation than with the free exchange of ideas.
Using the Customer Enquiry form on the Natural History Museum’s web site, you can let them know what you think of their collaboration with Ahava.
Thanks so much for being part of the team helping to take the profit out of occupation.
All best,
Nancy, Rae, Kristen and the Stolen Beauty Team
P.S. Buy one of our great Occupation Isn't Pretty Boycott Ahava t-shirts, lots of sizes, order now!