BDS Movement(Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions Movement)
This is the website of the Palestinian Boycott National Committee. It serves as a central hubfor the global Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions Movement in support ofPalestinian rights.
Adalah-NY: The NewYork Campaign for the Boycott of Israel
Adalah-NY is a grassroots,volunteer organization that follows the Palestinian BDS call and ran a highlysuccessful boycott campaign against diamond mogul and settlement builder LevLeviev. Adalah-NY’s current campaign work is focused on the TIAA-CREFdivestment push and academic and cultural boycott.
Boycott SodaStream: Occupation isnot Green
Tools and resourcesfor a new national boycott campaign against SodaStream that has itsmanufacturing plant in an illegal settlement.
Working within thePresbyterian Church to push for divestment from companies profiting fromIsrael’s Occupation. The IPMN has endorsed boycott of Ahava and Israeli dates.
PACBI (PalestinianCampaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel)
The PalestinianCampaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel was launched inRamallah in April 2004 by a group of Palestinian academics and intellectuals tojoin the growing international boycott movement.
Park Slope FoodCoop Members for the Boycott of Israel
Members of ParkSlope Food Coop (PSFC) are working to pressure the Food Coop to join the BDSMovement and to deshelve Israeli goods.
Stolen Beauty AhavaBoycott Campaign
This is aninternational boycott campaign against Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories, an Israelicosmetics company with its factory, visitors’ center and research center basedin an illegal settlement in the Occupied West Bank.
The UnitedMethodist Church
The Methodists areworking on a campaign for divestment from companies that profit from Israeli’soccupation.
USACBI (U.S.Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel)
Responding to thecall of Palestinian civil society to join the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctionmovement against Israel, we are a U.S. campaign focused specifically on aboycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions
U.S. Campaign toEnd the Israeli Occupation
A nationalcoalition of more than 380 groups, the US Campaign to End the IsraeliOccupation works to end U.S. support for Israel's occupation of the PalestinianWest Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. The coalition supports the BDS Movement anda U.S. policy that upholds freedom, justice and equality. They have many BDSresources on the site (Ahava, Caterpillar, church divestment, etc.)
We Divest(TIAA-CREF Campaign)
TIAA-CREF is one ofthe largest financial services in the United States, considered to be oneof the largest retirement systems in the world. This campaign aims topressure TIAA-CREF to stop investing in companies that profit from the Israelioccupation.
March 13, 2012
BDS Resources
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