Activist Radio has the following guest on this week:
GUESTS: Leena Al-Arian, Executive Director of the Coalition for Civil Freedoms, and Zaira Abu Baker, the daughter of Shukri Abu Baker who was horrifically sentenced to 65 years for providing charity to Palestinians, talk about the criminal justice system's assault on Muslims families in the United States.
Activist Radio is broadcast: Thursdays 5-6 pm from WVKR 91.3 FM at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY; Sundays 4-5 pm from WIOF 104.1 FM in Woodstock, NY; and Sundays 5-6 pm from the Progressive Radio Network at PRN.FM. It will also be posted on the ClassWars website for the next ten weeks. Simply click on the date to hear it.
Activist Radio